Fefe’s ear surgery

#doglovers #animalhelp #dogsupport #surgery #fefe #pekingese #bestfriend #aural #hematoma #help #support #donate http://hfht.co/3PiUq


Fefe is a 5 year old female mixed pekingese, whom we’ve had since birth. Recently we’ve noticed an ear infection, which we have been treating with over the counter meds with some improvement. However in a matter of days an aural hematoma has developed, quickly worsening her condition to a point where she now needs surgical drainage. It’s a vulnerable/desperate feeling to realize a family member is suffering without one being able to help. This is a plea from a desperate dog owner who wants her pup to be back to her normal self.
Thankyou ahead for your help, 
God bless your hearts,
Maria and Amarilis.






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Ended March 25, 2023 12:00 pm Eastern Time (US & Canada)

This campaign will only be successful if it is supported by at least 50 people by March 25, 2015, 12:00 pm, Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Maria Pimentel

Created 1 | Supported 8

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