Flights to see sick gran

Please help out family see our gran one more time


I really need some help to be able to get home from the U.K to South Africa to see my sick Gran. My Ouma (Gran) is really ill and I need to get flights home for myself and my husband and three kids. My Gran means the absolute world to me and the thought of not been able to say goodbye absolutely kills mean.
My gran has being so sick and in and out of icu for the last month, we thought she was getting better but have since found out that her kidneys aren’t handling any more. My Gran has been such a huge part of our family since we were born. She is such an amazing lady who is a big Christian. She is the type of person who would give her last cent away if someone needed it more than herself. I have tried to be like my Gran and help with charities supporting armed forces.
Sadly I had to give up work after suffering from a breakdown after years of abuse from my neighbour so financially we can’t afford the flights but it would mean the absolute world to my Gran and us for our kids to see her one last time and for us to have the chance to say goodbye. I hate the thought that for the rest of my life I will only have wished that I would have had the chance to say goodbye to the most amazing, strong and selfless women I have ever known.
I know there are so many people more deserving than us, but I have no option but to ask if someone would be able to make this dream a reality and give my children and I the chance to say goodbye.
My gran lives in South Africa and we are in the UK so flights are expensive and it takes 14 hours flying time to get there so please please please if you could help it doesn’t matter how small the amount please can make my grans last wish come true.
The money will be used for flights, car hire and accommodation.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts

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Ended March 25, 2023 12:00 pm Eastern Time (US & Canada)

This campaign will only be successful if it is supported by at least 100 people by March 25, 2015, 12:00 pm, Eastern Time (US & Canada)

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