The Forbidden Secrets

Support The #crowdfunding Campaign - It's Time Humanity Fights Back !


The Forbidden Secrets

Mankind is about to be completely destroyed within the next few generations and the aim of this book is to raise awareness on what is really happening around the world. My book wish to help make an impact on the following:

  • Learn the real Laws of Attraction that the Secret Societies don’t want you to know. (The book “The Secret” revealed information based on Napoleon Hill’s “Think & Grow Rich” and “The Laws of Success in 16 Lessons”. Unfortunately these books were bought off the shelf the moment they were launched and replaced by ‘watered down versions’ by the Secret Societies because they want people to continue running the rat race. This book addresses that and include additional perspectives from religious & enlightenment.
  • Learn the ability to manifest everything you want in your life.
  • Understand how dimensions functions within our universe.
  • Attain true enlightenment and unlock your true potential.

The Impact

For the longest time, human beings have not been able to move forward due to the fact that the scientific knowledge we have is so backward. It is time for the whole world to know who we really are and what can we achieve.

Risks & Challenges

I am putting myself in extreme danger for exposing these information. I hope more people can find out the truth and should anything happen to me, this would be my legacy here on earth.

Edmund Ng
CEO of Internet Empire Pte Ltd,
Author of “Breaking The Google Code” and “The Forbidden Secrets”



Section 1 – The Beginning

Chapter 1 – What Are We
Chapter 2 – The Origins of Humans
Chapter 3 – Vril Society
Chapter 4 – HAARP
Chapter 5 – Chemtrails
Chapter 6 – Water & Aquifer
Chapter 7 – Man Made Viruses & Bioterrorism
Chapter 8 – Vaccinations
Chapter 9 – Plum Island & Bio Warfare
Chapter 10 – Genetically Modified Organism (GMO)
Chapter 11 – Who’s Killing Our Honey Bees?
Chapter 12 – Cancer is Curable
Chapter 13 – Climate Change & Carbon Credit Tax
Chapter 14 – Secret Societies
Chapter 15 – New World Order / Agenda 21
Chapter 16 – Bitcoin Scam
Chapter 17 – Hollywood & Music Industry
Chapter 18 – The Illuminati Card Game
Chapter 19 – Taliban / Al-Qaeda / CIA
Chapter 20 – Conspiracy Theorists / Fake Truther Movement
Chapter 21 – Conflict of Middle East
Chapter 22 – False Flag Attack
Chapter 23 – Federal Reserve
Chapter 24 – Symbols & Sacred Geometry
Chapter 25 – Free Energy / Nikola Tesla
Chapter 26 – NASA
Chapter 27 – UFO / USO & Majestic 12
Chapter 28 – Lesbians, Gays, Bisexual & Transgender (LGBT)
Chapter 29 – Subliminal Message / Mind Control
Chapter 30 – Beta Wave / Beta Mind Programming
Chapter 31 – The Porn Conspiracy
Chapter 32 – The Real Laws of Attraction
Chapter 33 – The Secrets to Longevity
Chapter 34 – Was Jesus a Buddhist?
Chapter 35 – The Reality of Religions
Chapter 36 – Enlightenment
Chapter 37 – The Luciferian Deception
Chapter 38 – The Knowledge
Chapter 39 – The Solution
Chapter 40 – The Idea
Chapter 41 – The Conclusion

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9 of 50

18% of goal supported

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Ended November 2, 2023 8:00 pm Eastern Time (US & Canada)

This campaign will only be successful if it is supported by at least 50 people by November 2, 2014, 8:00 pm, Eastern Time (US & Canada)

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Created 19 | Supported 108

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