Generate $45000 annual income

Generate $45000 annual income by purchasing the i- combat 3D machine.


The i-combat 3D has boxing pads on the left and right side, which can be adjusted individually to create the desired angle, as well as adjusted by moving the arms that they are attached too. This will allow the user to adjust to a particular type of workout that they wish to undergo, or adjust for their height and comfort. The design and positioning of the pads, when paired with the 3D image is arranged to allow a visual interaction between the image of the boxing coach and the boxing pads in order to give a visual impression that the coach is holding the pads during at least some parts of the video playback. The boxing pads are removable, and are mounted on arms having clamps for adjusting the lengths of the arms. The clamps for adjustment of the arms are designed so that they can be operated whilst wearing boxing gloves.

How to make a revenue from i-Combat 3D ?

All you need to do is to download a choice of avatar PT’s from our website. The avatar PT’s have there own style of training programmes, so you can sit back and watch your client/friends etc work. You will have the option to choose from a 30 minute or 60 minute workout.
The average price that a PT charges is $30 per hour. A pre recorded avatar will cost $15 per hour. If you was to get 8 clients to use the machine in one day you could make $120. Now times that by having 10 machines in your place and having 8 clients on each machine in that 8 hours =$1200 a day.

You will be able to generate an extra income by uploading advertisements to the i combat 3d machine screen. An average price is around $300 per month depending on the size of the advert and the footfall of people walking pass the machine.

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15 of 500

3% of goal supported

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Ended March 20, 2023 12:00 pm Eastern Time (US & Canada)

This campaign will only be successful if it is supported by at least 500 people by March 20, 2015, 12:00 pm, Eastern Time (US & Canada)



Created 3 | Supported 10

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