Help my family

Please help me #support my #family and renew #hope for us. #donate #anythinghelps

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My name is Nancy Lombardo, and i am in need of help. I have spent the last 27 years with the love of my life whom we share 2 children, Nick and Alex. We built our house together, our family and our story.

My husband Dominic Lombardo was diagnosed with Hep C years ago and over time it has lead to cirrhosis of the liver. He went through treatments and was terribly sick during while he still continued to work and provide for his family. Not only did he work to provide but he built our home with the help of myself and his children while he was sick from chemo. 

Conditions worsened in 2013 when the doctors had given Dominic 6 months to live. The hardest thing you could hear is that the one you love will lose their life regardless of what you can try to do. Spirits were down for myself, my husband and our kids. Dominic wasnt ready to leave and he had taken it upon himself to push forward. He was not able to work anymore and we faced hardships of poverty. Because neither of us had any source of income we have reached out to our 24 year old daughter and 26 year old son for any help with bills to keep our power on and pay for their fathers prescriptions as well as fill our fridge with food. 

 2014 was a year of terrible heart aching time. We spent most our days in the hospital praying for guidance and support. Our daughter moved into our home to help take care of her father and as well take care of me. We spent nearly all year doing our same routine in hospitals but unfortunatly he was taken from us Oct 25, 2023 at the age of 53.

It has basically come down to this…

I have lost my husband, i will lose my house, I have no money, I need help.

If i could raise money to keep my house from foreclosure, pay my bills, put food in my fridge, help my kids..

I wouldnt lose hope. Anything helps.

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13 of 100

13% of goal supported

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22 days

Ends April 23, 2023 12:00 pm Eastern Time (US & Canada)

This campaign will only be successful if it is supported by at least 100 people by April 23, 2015, 12:00 pm, Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Nancy Lombardo

Created 1 | Supported 1

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