Help Samantha beat down MS

#beat #Multiplesclerosis and bring #smiles again

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Hello, my name is Samantha and I have Multiple Sclerosis. I am 34 years old was diagnosed at the age of 14. I am in a time when I cannot walk nor transfer myself at all without help. With many of my needs not covered by insurance, we’re hoping to raise enough money to help with my medical bills, purchase durable medical equipment and make modifications to our home so I can help out in my family’s daily living. I have 3 wonderful children and a loving husband that care very much and I would do anything to be able to walk, run and play outside with them.

It has been a long and frustrating road of countless doctor appointments and tests. Although devastated by the diagnosis, I’m relieved that there is support online and I can now focus on moving forward with treatment. The Dr that diagnosed me was one of the top neurologists in the nation who specializes in my condition, and took steps to aggressively attack the disorder. The treatment has gone well so far, and at this point, my condition is not stable and I am in a state of relapse, as I have Relapsing/Remitting still to this day.

I just got out of a 5 day stay in the hospital, where they did more MRIs on me and found more lesions on my spine and brain totaling 20 lesions. The doctors did however tell me there are new alternatives to see if we can fight the MS with instead of weekly injections going to biweekly injections. They also mention stem cell research which is very costly.

As if all that weren’t enough, with the medications and the pain it is sometimes hard for me to function fully. I have gone through many tests in the many years of having this. From 6 Spinal taps, a brain biopsy, an angiogram and this is just to name a few.

My husband has been out of work to try to take care of me and the family. I am currently out of work due to the disability and we are not able to afford things like a wheel chair or copays. He is currently helping me get around by lifting me up and putting me in a chair or get in or out of the bathroom. He has been my rock and has put my needs above his own. While I was having another major exacerbation my husband had an ACL Reconstruction and he was still taking care of me putting my needs ahead of his own.  He’s seen me through the uncontrolled pain and has put up with all of the symptoms that come with my condition, as well as giving me at-home injections, but as you can imagine, this is a terribly difficult burden for one person to bare.

No one ever plans for an emergency medical crisis or a substantial life-long condition, and I want to be able to stay in my home as long as possible. If you can find it in your heart to help, we would be eternally grateful.

We will update as things progress.

Here is a small breakdown of what the money will be going towards:

Motorized scooter $999.00

Upgrades to my home to make it handicap accessible $15,000

Van $10,000

Copays and prescriptions $6,000

  • March 15, 2015  6:52 pm

    thank you to all the supporters only 17 days left and still need 38 more supporters.


13 of 50

26% of goal supported

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time left

0 days

Ends April 1, 2023 12:00 pm Eastern Time (US & Canada)

This campaign will only be successful if it is supported by at least 50 people by April 1, 2015, 12:00 pm, Eastern Time (US & Canada)

#Samantha Collins


Created 2 | Supported 10

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