Idea to Spark the Change

“#Microsoft #YouthSparkChallenge for #Change is live! Enter by March 25 to #win #trip to Nicaragua, $2500.


As part of its commitment to young people through YouthSpark, Microsoft – for the third year in a row – is issuing a challenge to individuals age 13 to 25 around the world – How do you spark change in your community, and how could Microsoft technology and YouthSpark resources help you do more?
Sparking change can be big or small, and everyone starts somewhere. It can be volunteering as a tutor or mentor to a young person; organizing a local food collection; developing an app or a game to address a community issue; participating in community events; speaking out for a cause you care about; or even starting an organization to support a favorite cause – no idea is too big or too small. We expect the finalists and grand prize winners to be a mix of students who are creating positive change in small but important ways, as well as those who are epic change-makers working across their school, community, region, or the globe. Their ideas may be brand new and untested, or they may be something they’ve been doing for years.
Whatever the idea, we want to hear it!

Know more here / Enter Challenge here:

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16 of 15

107% of goal supported

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Ended March 17, 2023 3:00 pm Kolkata

This campaign will only be successful if it is supported by at least 15 people by March 17, 2015, 3:00 pm, Kolkata

Vamsi Thota


Created 1 | Supported 2

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