Lucky's art fund

#support the absolutely strange LuckyBebop, and their art. Use the #Lbcampaign !

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Hi, My name is Lucky! And well this is my fund raiser, for me. And basically, I’m an amatuer artist, soon hoping to get enough money to support myself and my family.  But to do that I need some tools that are unfortunatly out of my budget. My father and step mother are both currently out of work, and my Mother is too. The only people in my family currnetly working are my older step-sister, and my step-father, who make very little. Because of this you can imagine that a few things have to be sacreficed. Though one thing that bothers me is that sometimes we don’t have enough money to fill up a gas tank or pay for grocery items.  My mother has made a lot of unnessicary desions like selling and pawing her jewlery, and my brother had to sell his truck. I just want to help earn my keep for such a loving family.

Through my art I would like to be able to help support my family through their struggles.  I would like to be able to afford some good drawing programs (like adobe photoshop cs6) and a microphone (so I can host streams and talk to my followers) I just hope you can find it in your heart to help a large family get some extra money. Please help me make my goal!

  • March 18, 2015  10:15 pm

    we’re 12 percent of the folks! I’m so proud of you!


17 of 120

14% of goal supported

social reach



time left

41 days

Ends May 12, 2023 12:00 pm Eastern Time (US & Canada)

This campaign will only be successful if it is supported by at least 120 people by May 12, 2015, 12:00 pm, Eastern Time (US & Canada)



Created 1 | Supported 6

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