Nelson Rios

Help me create Fun-Educational Games and Apps for Kids!


My name is Nelson Rios and I am seeking to raise $6500 to open a family owned business focused on creating free educational, fun, and interactive kids games and applications for Android and IOS.  As a father of three children I know what children enjoy and what it takes to get them to want to learn. Hiding education inside of fun games is a great way to allow children to learn while having fun.  My background of graphic design, software, and internet marketing will provide a solid base on which I will build this company, but I can’t make this happen alone.

I need your help! I am seeking donations that will allow me to hire the necessary programmers to create these apps. My background in internet marketing will allow us to promote these games across the web and turn your donation into a profitable business that will not only allow me to support my family, but also allow me to help others here in the struggling economy of Grand Rapids, Michigan.

These games will be available free for all who wish to download them; revenue will be generated through advertising within the games.  I expect that this will result in a profitable business for myself and those who I am able to employ from our struggling community.

I don’t expect you to help us without getting anything back, for those who donate we will return the favor with the give-backs listed below:

Level 1: Donate $5 – Get a Shout out on our Facebook page

Level 2: Donate $25 - Get a Shout out on our Facebook page and our twitter page

Level 4: Donate $50 – Get all items from levels 1-2 and get a character named after you in one of our apps.

Level 6: Donate $100 – Get all items from levels 1-3 and we’ll use your face on a character in one of our apps (photo must be supplied).

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21 of 500

4% of goal supported

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time left


Ended February 28, 2023 10:30 am Eastern Time (US & Canada)

This campaign will only be successful if it is supported by at least 500 people by February 28, 2015, 10:30 am, Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Nelson O'Neil Rios


Created 4 | Supported 1

Also On gofundme


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