One Bad Used Car Experience

A Bad Used Car Experience Turned My Life Upside Down! Support with your voice and donate to my cause! #crowdfunding


We live in a world where the sellers of used vehicles are given free reign to mislead, omit and flat out lie about the condition of their inventory to trusting buyers who lack the expertise or foresight to verify what they are told. Cars are complex and it’s far too easy to trust the wrong people when buying a preowned one that is in supposedly good condition. Anyone who’s ever bought a used car has been in this position, and many of you know the shock and feelings of utter betrayal that come when you realize you’ve been taken advantage of by the seller.

This is happened to me recently, and it has turned my whole life upside down. I spent what little available money I had on what I was promised was a Ford Explorer in good running condition, only to learn days later when the transmission began skipping. The people who sold me the truck lied about the transmission having been repaired and now I am stuck carless and greatly inconvenienced until I can come up with the $4500 I owe a local repair shop that is holding the truck. The sellers went so far in their lie to tell me that they fixed the transmission by replacing a non-working solenoid, only for me to find out later that it didn’t even take one!

My Present Predicament

I can’t believe so much can go so wrong because I trusted the wrong people, but that’s where I am now. It’s been almost a year since I was conned into buying a broken truck, and it has been repaired and waiting for me to pick it up since way back in July. That means for the last four months I’ve been driving my old truck in poor condition, and making house payments, truck payments, and covering other bills at the same time. Something has to change, and the courts have been no help to me. I saw no other way out of my predicament than to turn to the good of the public to lend a hand to a brother in need.

It’s not a lot I’m asking for, and every little bit will make an enormous difference toward me getting back on the road and getting my life back in gear. I’m taking active steps every day to spread the word about the true nature of the people who sold me the broken Explorer and deliberately lied about its repair status and hopefully I can prevent the same fate from befalling other people who patronize their services. I believe we should be able to live in a world where honest sellers are rewarded, and malicious ones are quickly put out of business before they can harm again.

Your Support Means the World to Me

If you’ve ever been in my situation, you know how incredibly difficult it is to swim upstream against the forces of debt and lack of resources. Getting this truck back will make all the difference in the world to me, and instantly clear up many of the other problems that are piling up in various parts of my life. I can’t offer much in return for your support during this time except my sincerest thanks and a promise that I will pay the favor forward to others in need when I have the means to do so, as I believe that is how a responsible human ought to live. Together, we are much stronger than when we struggle alone. Thank you for taking the time to hear my story. 

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Ended November 23, 2023 3:00 pm Eastern Time (US & Canada)

This campaign will only be successful if it is supported by at least 50 people by November 23, 2014, 3:00 pm, Eastern Time (US & Canada)

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