Pennies Mart World’s First ..

Where people can sell and buy local news for Pennies.News about streets,Malls etc..JOIN US on Kickstarter March10.

Click Below To Support Pennies Mart

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 We are Pennies Mart - We are The World’s First Local Information Marketplace

 You Sell Information, You Earn Money

  Have you got  fresh hot news about a street or mall?  Just spotted a celebrity ,discounts , events or anything interesting?Sell it on Pennies mart  to thousands  or Millions of people and  make quick cash. hundreds or thousands of  pounds  from one piece of interesting news.

Search for news by street , mall or topic and find  hot  news and information not found in Newspapers, Magazines , Google,Twitter or anywhere else

How  it works

Register using your facebook ,twitter or linkedin account , register your paypal account, or  credit or debit card, charge your balance with minimum 1 pounds , then start selling and buying

Hunt news, log in create a title and choose  unique page of street or mall or community  to post it  in, put  details, upload photos or video ,set the fair price from 1 p up to 99 p  and it is now searchable by the whole world

Revenues are payable to seller only after 10 days from date of posting if there are no common complaints …No lies and  No scammers

Search news, interested in Title? Click to buy, See details, your balance charged the displayed price,

Done… you bought it, only you pay for what you buy, no subscription fees.


  • March 9, 2015  7:03 am

    we will be LIVE tomorrow on Kickstarter .March 10. back us please from day one and enjoy early bird membership and free access


7 of 50

14% of goal supported

social reach



time left

29 days

Ends April 30, 2023 12:00 pm Eastern Time (US & Canada)

This campaign will only be successful if it is supported by at least 50 people by April 30, 2015, 12:00 pm, Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Pennies Mart


Created 1 | Supported 0

Top Supporters

GoViral @HeadTalker

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Get Paid 2 Tweet

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CrowdSpeaking HF HT

(86246) Connections
CrowdFunding Guru

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Linda Lee King

(11856) Connections
Linda Lee Bogard-King

(311) Connections
Linda Lee King

(138) Connections

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