RetroPacks - Photos for life

A UK based monthly subscription service bringing your Instagram photos back to you. #retropacks #bringthemback

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This bit I would normally fill out with bits of fascinating trivia about myself and what I’m doing here, but really I’d just be repeating what I’ve already put together on my Kickstarter page, so I’m going to try not to bore you by going over it again.

This is a project that I’m doing out of love for photography. It’s not about making wads of cash, it’s about bringing photography back to its roots and using technology to do it.

I’m a one man show at the moment, but my project is already at 75% funded with 3 weeks left to go, so things are looking positive, however I need to reach more people who are yet to discover RetroPacks. Hence coming to you guys!

Take a look below at some of the blurb from my Kickstarter campaign and see where the mood takes you!

RetroPacks. Bring your shots back to life.

I love photography and I love to have my own photos around the home. But I noticed something that’s changed in the past few years about the way that we appreciate photographs and it started to bug me.

These days, the majority of photographs taken, say on a smart phone, go to one place, Instagram. Instagram says that there have been 30+ Billion photos shared through their app, with 70 million average photos a day. That’s mind boggling!

Don’t get me wrong, I love Instagram as much as the next guy, and I use it almost every day. The community that you’re part of and the feedback you get for your photos is part of what makes Instagram awesome.

However,  I do feel that we’ve kind of lost touch with the original premise of photography these days and it could be suggested that for the majority of the time, photographs are now taken for the amount of likes we think they’ll get, rather than for appreciation of what’s actually in the frame.

This is where RetroPacks come in. RetroPacks is a monthly subscription service that, if you want it to, will be entirely automated. RetroPacks connects to your Instagram account and can choose from your most recent uploads each month, then print and ship three of them to you at the end of the month.
Each print will be in the format of a Polaroid print. At this point, there’s one format (overall size: 3.5 x 4.2 in  ). However stay tuned for possible stretch goals to offer additional formats!

(Remember to head over to Kickstarter to read the full story! It’s much more detailed over there!)

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9 of 50

18% of goal supported

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time left

3 days

Ends April 4, 2023 12:00 pm Eastern Time (US & Canada)

This campaign will only be successful if it is supported by at least 50 people by April 4, 2015, 12:00 pm, Eastern Time (US & Canada)



Created 1 | Supported 0

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