Standing up against Depression

#Illuminate #whereamazinghappens


My name is Gregory Sarpy Jr. and I am an Artist…

The Story

For the past six years I was battling depression. It was nothing I expected and nothing my family or anyone else expected considering I am just a 21 year old male from Gardena, California. I struggled and I mean I struggled hard.. It honestly felt like I was walking through hell and somehow I managed to keep it all inside and survive. Fast forward to the end of 2014 and I finally after six years beat the bug that was inside of me eating me alive. It was like a breath of fresh air as I finally broke free from the chains and began to finally live again..

Now that I have broken free from it, I realized my new path in life. I found out what I wanted to accomplish in life and what I wanted to make a career of and that is being an artist. I put together the pieces and realized that I am a creator. I love to create things and use my creativity and imagination to help others. This is the moment I decided to put together my love to paint, create music, and film and produce this project titled “Illuminate”.

“Illuminate” is what I like to call an artwork album. In this album is a collection of paintings done by me developed around the experiences that I have gone through the past six years. Along with each painting is a song written, performed and produced by me that explains each of the paintings I have created. Lastly is the short film/documentary detailing my experiences and the process of me creating this whole project as I begin filming as I go along. I aim to give some sort of hope to those who have been or are in the same situation that I experienced. I want someone to look at my paintings or hear my music and know that everything is going to be okay..


Final Words…

“It’s not what you take but what you leave behind that defines greatness”.  

This quote has been in my mind since the first day that I came across it. I base my life around this quote!! This project means more to me than just creating for the sake of myself. With this project and every other project, song, speech or film I create is intended to help someone out.. it may not be 50 million people but if it was to help 50 I would still get the satisfaction knowing that I left some type of impression on someone..Leaving this world with some type of impact means more to me than any amount of money, any brand of shoes, cars etc. I believe this project is the start of that impact I feel destined to make on the world. 

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25 of 500

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Ended March 17, 2023 12:00 pm Pacific Time (US & Canada)

This campaign will only be successful if it is supported by at least 500 people by March 17, 2015, 12:00 pm, Pacific Time (US & Canada)



Created 1 | Supported 5

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