StiQit – Sulfite Remover

“ By using StiQit, anyone can easily remove ALL sulfites from ANY wine within seconds. #sulfites #allergies #wine

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Sulfite sensitivity affects millions of people today, many of whom are unaware of their own sensitivity to this preservative. Sulfite sensitivity reactions can vary from mild to life threatening. Reactions can include some of the following:
– Headaches
– Blotchy skin, redness, rash or flushing of the face
– Respiratory issues, stuffiness and nasal congestion
– Upset stomach, diarrhea and vomiting
– Drop in blood pressure and dizziness
If you have experienced any of these negative reactions during or after drinking wine, you may be one of the millions who suffer from sulfite sensitivity.

Currently, the only way an individual can prevent a Sulfite reaction from occurring is to avoid consuming items that contain Sulfites, severely restricting the available choices of beverages that can be enjoyed.

For these Sulfite sensitive individuals…this means no wine…ever!

In addition to those who are sensitive to Sulfites, there is a growing population of individuals that choose to enjoy Sulfite and preservative free lifestyles.

Living without wine is not really living at all, so we created StiQit and restored the freedom of choice for all individuals to enjoy any wine they choose sulfite free.

StiQit is a consumer friendly, disposable, 100% recyclable, single use device. StiQit easily removes all Sulfites from your favorite wine in seconds without affecting appearance, aroma or taste.

With StiQit, it’s simple:

Remove the single use StiQit from the easy to open package.

Remove the single use StiQit from the easy to open package.

Place the StiQit directly into your glass of wine.

Place the StiQit directly into your glass of wine.

Simply stir a couple of times to remove Sulfites and aerate the wine.

Simply stir a couple of times to remove Sulfites and aerate the wine.

Remove, dispose of the StiQit and enjoy your glass of Sulfite free wine.

Remove, dispose of the StiQit and enjoy your glass of Sulfite free wine.

Finally, snap the “Q-Clip™” to your glass to quickly identify your Sulfite free beverage.

Finally, snap the “Q-Clip™” to your glass to quickly identify your Sulfite free beverage.

StiQit works with: Red wine, white wine, cider and champagne.

Use StiQit at: Home, your favorite bar or restaurant, the beach or picnic.

SitQit conveniently fits in your: Bag or backpack, purse, pocket or desk.

StiQit is the fastest and easiest way to enjoy wine as it was meant to be….in its natural state. Put the worry and sensitivities behind you.

Just StiQit, Swirl it, Enjoy It, Live Suflite Free.

  • March 11, 2015  8:26 am

    WOW! A huge thank you to all our supporters for helping us push past the 2 MILLION person reach mark. Things are just starting to ramp up. How far can we push this? Let’s find out. Please share our campaign with your friends and help us grow our support. Again, thank you for all your help. - The StiQit Team


70 of 50

140% of goal supported

social reach



time left

24 days

Ends April 7, 2023 2:00 pm Eastern Time (US & Canada)

This campaign will only be successful if it is supported by at least 50 people by April 7, 2015, 2:00 pm, Eastern Time (US & Canada)

StiQit: Sulfite Free


Created 1 | Supported 5

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