The Most Glorious Thing Ever

The Most Glorious Thing Ever by Barbara Weitzner


Jack and Anna Wandell have drifted out of the mainstream of each other’s life. 

At fifty-eight, Jack feels he is slowly dying, one organ at a time. He has long ago ceased to understand his two sons. He loves his wife, but has spent his cheerless life stumbling through family turmoil and sexual frustration. 

Jack knows nothing of passion or deceit until he embarks on a love affair with Lilly Lowery, canny, bawdy, thrice-divorced, and twenty-nine years his junior. Both have careers in advertising. Jack is smitten. He can hardly believe his luck. She’s gorgeous and fun. 

This is a story for every man or woman who has ever loved the wrong person; who yearns to experience true rapture—the kind that gives you shivers, staggers you, and leaves you breathless. 

But all cheaters cause chaos. Jack learns there is no pleasure without a price. The longer his deception, the easier that deception becomes, until in the end it is his deception that destroys him.

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Ended March 10, 2023 12:00 pm Eastern Time (US & Canada)

This campaign will only be successful if it is supported by at least 50 people by March 10, 2015, 12:00 pm, Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Melissa Miller


Created 38 | Supported 143

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