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A ‘Trouble’some New Release

By Delaine Christine

Created 12 | Supported 326

43 of 25



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Ended 10/03/2023

"If man can instill fear, imagine what the shadows can do. #satire #mystery #suspense # thriller #paranormalromance"

— Delaine Christine and
other supporters

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  The 2nd in the RavenCroft Collection is Now Available in eBook and paperback on
Delaine Christine is sure to please this Halloween season with this dark romantic accounting of Kalabernus RavenCroft's story of lost love, lingering doubt, and 'trouble'some woe.  And while being entertained by the illusive and mysterious narrator of this tale, Vortigern Black, be sure to watch out for those clues which will lead you to the narrator's true identity.
“You’re a bit terrifying sometimes.  You know that right?”  
Sure, cause every guy wants to hear that on their first date ever, right?
Just imagine being six-foot-six with a naturally dark complexion, black hair, haunting crystal clear blue eyes, and every bit the stud with a toned, yet vast physic and brute strength that could lift a car.  Then add the ability to see and hear shadowy demonic creatures who are ever present at your side. The presence of "The Troublesome Three" alone would make any woman, or man for that matter, think twice about getting close to the second born of the RavenCroft's.
The dark demonic creatures Veranke, Fallen, and Zalman have been pestering Kalabernus RavenCroft since birth with their incessant whispers, dark predictions, and evil tendencies. But could their presence actually be advantageous when Sareena Davis arrives in Loveland, Colorado with a stalker on her trail all the way from Dalton, Massachusets?
Only one way to find out.
As always reviews are most definitely welcome.
Trouble (No. 2 RavenCroft Collection) by Delaine Christine
For more information on the author and to follow the RavenCroft Collection check out the sites below.
WebsiteFacebook, Twitter, Goodreads, Google, Pinterest, LinkedIn

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Created on 2023-09-30 14:53:38