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A Twisted Tale of Loss & Love

By Delaine Christine

Created 8 | Supported 240

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Ended 04/02/2023

""Please nominate TWISTED for #Kindle Scout and win a #free #ebook""

— Delaine Christine and
other supporters

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Hi, my name is Delaine Christine (aka) Vortigern Black and someone close to me told me I could never write a novella, let alone a novel.  This person told me I’d never be able to finish what I’d started. They told me I’d never be able to accomplish anything with my life, let alone finish writing a book!  But here’s the thing…

…I did it.

I completed a book.

And not just one but two novella’s and four novels all but one of which are now available on Amazon either under Vortigern Black or my other pen name Delaine Christine.

Then this same person told me none of my books would ever be selected for Kindle Scout, which is reader-powered publishing for new, never before published books.  It’s a place where readers help decide if a book gets published.  This individual told me that I would never be able to have MY book, Twisted, up there next to some of the best writer’s out there.  But here’s the thing…

…it was selected.

Twisted, #3 of the RavenCroft Series by Vortigern Black is right up there with the rest of them.

Now this same person is telling me I will never make it into the Hot & Trending category on Kindle Scout’s listing.  I’m being told it isn’t good enough to receive an offer of a 5 year Kindle Press contract and, therefore, doesn’t deserve to be displayed among the many authors who have had their novels selected and published by them.  Hhhmm, I wonder…

For just about everything in my life I’ve had to fight for it.  Does that sound familiar to any of you?

I had to fight to be able to graduate, to get an education beyond a high school graduation, to land a decent job just out of training school, to buy my first home, to survive a bad marriage to a man, it turns out, I might not have actually been legally married to, to fight for my life and my kidney’s when my daughter was born, to keep my home in 2008 and 2009 when the economy tanked and both my husband and I lost our jobs, to keep and maintain my car for over six years while doing paper routes while pregnant with twins just to get by till my husband was able to find a decent job with a decent company.  (He’s truly an amazing man, my husband.)  And I have had to fight my way through the vast world of marketing, advertising and publishing in order to accomplish what I have with the books I’ve completed.  But you know what I didn’t have to fight for?

This story, Twisted, #3 of my RavenCroft series.

For some reason it came easy to me and I don’t know why.  What I do know is that many of you can likely relate to my story in one way or another.   You’ve probably even been told you can’t do something or accomplish something that meant a great deal to you, by an individual close to you, that you love.  But do you know what else I know?  I also know I’ve had six people (Beta Readers) read Twisted only to come back with the same statement.

“I didn’t think I’d like it.  It’s not the sort of thing I normally read, but once I got started I couldn’t stop reading it.  You (Vortigern Black) managed to pull me in.”

Maybe you prefer historical romances, books filled with horror, or science fiction, but today I’m asking you to step out of that box, that norm you read within, because I’ve chosen not to surrender to one who’s trying to bring me down.  Click on this link, and read the excerpt of Twisted I’ve provided. Does it get your attention? Does it draw you in? Does it make you want to know more? Does it have you desiring to know more about what happens to Angel Stryfe and the RavenCroft family within the pages?  If so, then click on the turquoise “Nominate Me” button and help me fight for that chance to be on Hot & Trending and/or to be selected for a 5 year Kindle Press contract.

Ask yourself, if you were me, wouldn’t you want someone to do that for you?

My Kindle Scout campaign ends on April 8th at 12 am EDT which means I haven’t much time left.  Please don’t wait till the last minute, thinking, ‘oh, well maybe I’ll check it out later.’ Go there now,

I’d do it for you.

Because I know what it’s like to have to fight for something you want and need.  And I need this, if for no other reason then to validate for myself and my children that I can actually accomplish anything as long as I set my mind to it.  Wouldn’t that be an excellent lesson for any child?

Twisted, is literally “A Twisted Tale of Loss & Love.”  A tale of an unusual love triangle and betrayal, of sacrifice and of wanting more, of suspense and a little action, of mystery and a little intrigue, as well as deception and a struggle between good and evil.  As a reward to you, if it is selected for a Kindle Press contract, you will receive an advance e-book copy one week prior to its publish date.  It will be able to be read via your account through your Amazon Kindle Cloud.  You do not have to own a Kindle device to be able to read it or any of my other books.  Cool, right?  And it doesn’t cost you anything.

So go…

click on the link


click on “Nominate me”…

then pass this on.

And from the bottom of my heart, Thank You so very much!!!

P.S. I am currently working still on my Website so please forgive its appearance as I work to correct all issues if you happen to check it out.  @VortigernBlack (aka) @DelaineChristin,

No Campaign Updates. Check Back Sometime Soon.

Created on 2023-03-18 12:45:31