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Bearback Grooming- Kickstarter

By Bearback Grooming

Created 1 | Supported 0

65 of 50



Social Reach


Ended 03/08/2023

"Does your #Beard need some love? Check out Bearback Grooming, Beard Oils, Balms and Moustache Wax #ForBetterBeards"

— Bearback Grooming and
other supporters

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Hello Headtalker Folks. I thought I could write lots of bumph about who I am and what I'm doing here, but ultimately I'd be regurgitating what I've already written over on Kickstarter so up top is the video I've posted on Kickstarter and down below is all the blurb. If you read on you'll see that even though the Kickstarter is doing well it's not about making profit for me- it's about doing what I love and getting the Bearback Grooming name out there. This Headtalker campaign is also a little birthday present to me- it ends on my birthday so will raise awareness of the Kickstarter just as I'm out enjoying a meal for my 30th. So thank you in advance for taking part and annoying my family with Twitter notifications during my meal! :)

I have often spent hours lamenting the fact that none of the toiletries and grooming products I can easily purchase are as awesome as my face fuzz and body hair is. Then it dawned on me- I could make my own. I was actually in the bath and half asleep when i came up with the idea and the name Bearback Grooming (I always come up with my best ideas when I’m not in a position to write them down).

A little bit of research, a lot of mistakes and quite a bit of mess could result in something truly awesome, and so I started making up small batches of beard oils and balms for myself and a few friends. Then their friends wanted some, and then their friends. Everyone was telling me I was onto a winner and I should try to take this bigger. So here I am.

The Bearback Grooming Vision

There is a vision and I have long term goals, but I’m the new kid on the block. The Kickstarter page, Twitter account and Facebook page all launched on the same day so Bearback Grooming had no social following before we arrived on Kickstarter.

So here's the vision:

There's a reason I deal in beard oil and not graphic design
There's a reason I deal in beard oil and not graphic design

The Journey

The first step is the launch of the website. The domain is registered and now the work can commence on getting it ready for a launch later in the year when we’ll be able to sell our first range of products- beard oils, balms and moustache wax, all of which need to be certified (and this costs money). The domain for the blog is registered to, and thanks to the wonder of WordPress that will take a lot less work to have up and running (it could even be ready before the end of the Kickstarter).

Affordable Beard Oils

What is important to me now and going forward is that Bearback Grooming is not about making huge amounts of profit. I care about beards. I love beards. I love my beard and I love your beard. I want you to love your beard, and I assume if you’ve read down this far you’re at least fond of your facial fuzz.

Our first beard oil blends

 Most beard oils I come across are in the region of £20 for 30ml. Even selling at small volumes I can sell at a significantly lower price point. Even with low order volumes- limiting my ability to benefit from wholesale prices on raw materials I can enter the market at a £14.50 price point.

Why Kickstarter?

You might think I’m a fool but I’m not here to make a profit. I’m here to get my product out there, get your feedback, work with you, hear what you have to say and build the brand- remember, we’re the new guys! The Kickstarter goal is £900. To be close to making a profit we’d have to hit £3000, and even then we’d be talking a few pounds left over which would go straight back into Bearback. Don't get me wrong, I'm no saint and I'd love to make a few quid from this, but I'm all about making beards better whilst I do it.

I have a budget, it’s very long and detailed and covers everything I can anticipate but obviously there will be unexpected costs. The money raised through Kickstarter will be enough to cover some essential costs and the cost of fulfilling the rewards. To launch the business will take thousands of pounds and the fact of the matter is I don’t have thousands of pounds. I have passion, and I’m willing to throw whatever money I have at Beaback to make it a success, but I do need the boost Kickstarter will give to get things off the ground.

But to give you an idea as to some of the costs that are coming up I’ve popped a few things on another terrible infographic.

Cake is a valid business expense
Cake is a valid business expense


We believe the reward tiers for the Kickstarter campaign offer amazing value and offer something for everyone, and we hope you love them as much as we do and enjoy being part of the Bearback Grooming family.

Get your beard oils!
Get your beard oils!

Beard Comb Bolt-On Option

The Bearback Grooming Bear Comb
The Bearback Grooming Bear Comb

If your reward tier doesn't come with a beard comb, or if it does and you want an extra one just add £9 to your pledge and send us a message requesting one- we'll make sure you get one when your order ships!

Say Hello

It would be really awesome to hear from you, or see your beardy selfies so give us a thumb over on Facebook and follow us on Twitter Instagram. And whether you can back the project or not we'd think you were awesome just for sharing the link- and include the hashtag #ForBetterBeards so we can find you and say thanks!

No Campaign Updates. Check Back Sometime Soon.

Created on 2023-03-03 11:07:17