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Caribbeexports Start up

By Aphique King

Created 1 | Supported 0

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Ended 04/16/2016

"Sustaining farmers in our village."

— Aphique King and
other supporters

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My name is Aphique King and I’m the founder of the soon to be established Caribbeexports. I am from the Caribbean island of St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

You may wonder… what’s Caribbeexports? Caribbeexports is a developing startup aiming to support farmers in sustaining themselves through the exports of locally grown organically root crops, fruits and vegetables.

Root crops such as:

  • Ø  sweet potatoes
  • Ø  yams
  • Ø  dasheens
  • Ø  And much more.

Fruits such as:

  • Ø  Mangoes
  • Ø  soursop
  • Ø  golden apple()
  • Ø  Coconut
  • Ø  wax apple()
  • Ø  tangerines
  • Ø  guavas
  • Ø  pineapple
  • Ø  bananas
  • Ø  and much more

Vegetables such as:

  • Ø  Carrots
  • Ø  Peppers
  • Ø  Cucumber
  • Ø  Tomatoes
  • Ø  Lettuce
  • Ø  Soybean
  • Ø  and much more

We at Caribbeexports understands that quality and texture is needed for consumption and to be able to make products in this brand appealing. What’s also remarkable is that Caribbeexports farmers use organic and all natural ways in planting, cultivating and harvesting of these crops. Making our product healthy for you and your family.

We fell in love with the idea of creating opportunities for these farmers in the village after trying and testing what these farmers produce in large quantities. It is remarkably what they grow it was a life altering experience after consuming what they produce. So I set out in making opportunities for these farmers after noticing there is a problem for these farmers, they explain they wanted their goods to be shipped and used on the international market. At which I made a decision, to start Caribbeexports making their dreams come true or to have them unsustainable.

It was our decision to spawn Caribbeexports. As agri-exporters we’ve made a lot of efforts to make sure products are truly organic when sourcing from local farmers.

Our goal is to create a brand for local produce making it commercially known. We want to make Caribbeexports an export come true to these farmers and share their delicious products all over the world. We are reaching out to you to help, especially Caribbean natives to help us make our dream come true.

What we need and what you get

We are aiming to raise $25,000 or more. The process of obtaining exporting licenses and business licenses may take some time to complete. Building a proper infrastructure that will be uses takes time and effort buying materials to properly repair it to operational condition. The monies raised will be used to secure goods from farmers, also by giving salaries to workers for their work done, and by paying for carriage expenses and all necessary equipment needed to facilitate a quality export product we wish to offer. Any additional monies will be saved in the company’s bank account for funding of future projects. It’s a tough course but we are committed to seeing it through.

So what do you get? We’ve put together a number of options to choose from to suit your budget or needs.

The Impact

To make Caribbeexports a true reality and the farmers dream come true we will need your help. We want to build a top of the class exporting firm that our farmers, community and you as a contributor can be proud of. We want to be the farmer’s exporter and in this regard we think ourselves as publicly owned by farmers. This exporting group is going to be built by you and for you the public and the farmers.

Your generosity as a contributor cannot be thanked enough by us. Without you the contributor this won’t be possible to these farmers.

Risks and Challenges

As we mentioned previously, this process will take a while. I fully recognize that it may be in the fourth quarter of this year before our products are available worldwide. Bonds, licenses, renovations, insurances, permits, attorneys, taxes, distribution contracts, contacts etc. all these processes needs to be accomplished before exporting. We’ve partnered with some agri-exporting industry insiders who have already exported these products and have been generous in offering assistances. This exporting community is a small one but the people are great.

Other Ways You Can Help

We recognize some people wouldn’t be able to contribute, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t help.

Ø  Help us get the word out and make some noise about us.

Ø  Use Indiegogo share tools frequently.

Ø  Post a link and get the word out.


Ø  Get friends, relatives and all on board.

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Created on 2023-03-10 12:05:05