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We’re happy to announce Newswire has acquired HeadTalker!

From the beginning of HeadTalker, we have always placed the comments and happiness of our community first and we believe with this acquisition, we’ll continue to build out our vision for social media virality for brand campaigns as well as improving the opportunities to our user base.

Newswire and HeadTalker are committed to create new and better ways to take a social media message viral.

For now, HeadTalker with continue to function as it does today. Your Headtalker account and campaigns will continue as normal and we’ll be providing more details on upcoming plans for Headtalker in the coming weeks.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Team HeadTalker and Newswire

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Change. Motivate. Inspire.

By Project T.R.U.T.H.

Created 9 | Supported 2

13 of 25



Social Reach


Ended 01/04/2023

"4 days left! Please help and support this dream and passion! #Kickstarter #Campaign"

— Project T.R.U.T.H. and
other supporters

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Support The Project T.R.U.T.H. as we embark on our journey of waking the people up, especially the youth, through spoken word videos, Activism, and discussions, and much more!

Let us All Come Together To Change The World, One Step At A time Most of us live in the matrix. It is a mental prison that we cannot see, feel, or touch. We live in a brainwashed generation where we have been, confused, conformed, corrupt, and miseducated, all set forth be a small group of people, for a greater agenda. The evil men of this world have applied every method possible to deceive it’s occupants from poisoning our food, water, medicine, to Television programming, mass incarceration, and wage slavery. It is time again from the 1960’s that a young voices speak out on this. We have been fed so many lies that nobody even wants to hear the truth, but they have to. The effects have mainly been targeted at young people, and I plan on exposing that. If you have no youth, you have no troops. “ He alone who owns the youth, gains the future.” - Adolf Hitler.

It's Urgent To Go Beyond Understanding, to Empathy

Today have for centuries used divide & conquer tactics to keep the people from uniting by race, age, gender, and class. The system has stopped us from being human, and turned us into monsters. Also, we as humans have misused and abused technology and our natural resources that we are now starting to run out of. I have put together a strategy all out of my head, with a little bit by studying & research, to bring us all together by combining Marcus Garvey’s vision, Malcolm X’s bravery, the dream like Martin Luther King, to fight back like Huey P Newton, to not worry about age like Fred Hampton, and to be real as well as genuine like Tupac. If you’re not familiar with my work, just search ‘sirtruth100’ on youtube, or go to ( Please note: my work shocks people at first because they’re either not use to the truth, or due to my different approach on things from different perspectives.

 Follow me and my journey Towards a Better Future

To deepen the relationship between you, the viewer, and the strangers that me and my team interact with. Most of this content(if not all) you will be able to find on youtube when it comes out. We want most of our content to go VIRAL!!! Only through your support will we be able to make this a reality, putting this all together in a smooth, progressive manner. In return, you will get exclusive rewards: be the first to see our work, books, or even begin waking people up yourself!

Wait – What is Project T.R.U.T.H.? And what does it stand for? 

Project T.R.U.T.H. is all about thinking rationally upon troubled humanity. We address the problem, correct the problem, and find solutions towards the problem. Our mission is to wake as many people up as we can, and bring the people together. We also want to spread self love and awareness of social issues. Doing this alone will bring out that inner confidence in the people. Most of us either live in fear, or we suffer from self hate, all due to the programming at a young age. We mainly want to wake up the youth since the older generation is calling down to the youth to end this madness, and that most of their thinking usually is so ingrained to the programming. Also, we want to push entrepreneurship and get young people off of the streets, and working for a greater cause. When you have unemployed individuals with no purpose that are miseducated, you tend to see them in the prison system(big business).

By supporting this movement you are helping us develop a better Society for generations to come. 

 This Kickstarter is your chance to join us on this journey - a significant portion of the funds will go to changing the lives of many, and to our fellow Activists. Get Exclusive Access Through Kickstarter

 $1 - Updates and a big Thank You for your support!

 $5 - Download of my Thinking Rationally Upon Troubled Humanity ebook

 $40 - Access to a preview of our Spoken Word and Music videos

 $80 - Access to a playlist of private discussions(both video & audio) that we will most likely never release to the public!

 Let’s start a chain reaction the KickStarter way!

 On our own, we have made some progress with this movement - but this Kickstarter marks a critical point. Without it, we cannot go further. We need your support to expand the team, cast, location, the vision, and video content. Here's what we've done, and what we still have ahead:

 Fanbase & Advertising

 I have spent most of my savings building up my social media presence on facebook, twitter, youtube, and putting together a website for my brand. I started out o this new journey advertising my first two spoken word videos like crazy( ). Nobody wants to speak up about this topic because most people are living in fear right now. I fear no man, and I fear no evil. I speak my mind, even though consequences can be lethal. I am just a caged beast waiting for the day to let the rage free(Tupac). Right now I am doing whatever I can with what I got: Coming together with other deep thinkers & intellectuals as well as activists or people that want to come together for a common cause. “The world will not be destroyed by those who do Evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything”. -Albert Einstein

 Expanding the Cast 

We are always wanting to grow for there are strength in numbers. I say “ The revolution isn’t always a battle to the death, it can simply be empowering the minds of the people to create change within the majority over the minority.” So we plan to get people through music, vlogging, blogging, truthers, philosophers, and so much more.


We will be reaching out to other activists, and youtubers who have the drive, and motivation to have the generous involvement who are inspired to create meaningful, immersive stories in this format.

Your contribution to this Kickstarter means we can realize the dream of solidarity. Thank you! 

Risks and challenges

The biggest challenge may be is support from our backers. Not everybody will be on the same page as others will. Some may say this is all one big conspiracy, but most of this has been proven by the effects of our society. Getting people to meet up, and on the same page will be a big problem at first because most people want to do their own thing, instead of coming together for a common cause. We believe deeply in a process of research and development driven through trial, error and open exploration - which means this movement will take time.I, the creator of this, will not give up on this project as this has been a dream of mine for years. Another might be youtube censorship, for a lot of youtubers, especially the bigger channels, have experienced youtube censorship when speaking out on matters like this, so we will have a backup plan/channel to go to an bring our followers and viewers there if possible. This Kickstarter project is not a means to an end. It is a stepping stone for us to grow and expand. And with that growth comes greater responsibility, challenges, and needs. We are a hard-working team that works tirelessly to provide a unique experience for all who support our work, videos, and vision. There is still much to be done and we are looking forward to this journey and excited to invite you along through this Kickstarter. ->

No Campaign Updates. Check Back Sometime Soon.

Created on 2022-12-09 10:00:19