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We’re happy to announce Newswire has acquired HeadTalker!

From the beginning of HeadTalker, we have always placed the comments and happiness of our community first and we believe with this acquisition, we’ll continue to build out our vision for social media virality for brand campaigns as well as improving the opportunities to our user base.

Newswire and HeadTalker are committed to create new and better ways to take a social media message viral.

For now, HeadTalker with continue to function as it does today. Your Headtalker account and campaigns will continue as normal and we’ll be providing more details on upcoming plans for Headtalker in the coming weeks.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Team HeadTalker and Newswire

Chaos Is Coming!

By BPIC Promos

Created 61 | Supported 83

57 of 50



Social Reach


Ended 05/01/2023

"#ChaosIsComing "In battle, chaos is a good thing. Especially among the enemy." BRINGER OF CHAOS #SciFi #AmReading"

— BPIC Promos and
other supporters

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#ChaosIsComing ~ 5/1/16

BRINGER OF CHAOS: The Origin of Pietas by Kayelle Allen

Two enemy warriors: one human, one immortal. Different in belief, alike in spirit, marooned together on an alien world. Imprisoned and in isolation over a year without food or water, the immortal Pietas survives. Though broken in body, his intellect and will are intact, thanks to Six, the special ops warrior who captured him, but kept him sane. The warrior had no hand in his deprivation and, like Pietas, was betrayed by his own kind. When Pietas is abandoned on an alien world with nothing but his honor--and Six--he must find and rejoin other immortal exiles. After centuries of war, Pietas detests humans and kills them on sight, but he is too damaged to continue on his own. Though he despises needing help, he allows Six to nurture and restore him to full strength, and then accompany him. As they cross the planet together on foot, the immortal begins to wonder if he has found his first human friend, or if Six is loyal only because Pietas could keep the others from tearing him to shreds. This human will either be his closest living friend, or the one whose betrayal will trigger all-out vengeance by the most powerful immortal ever born. Immortal. Warrior. Outcasts. Traitors took everything. Except their honor. *Amazon US: *Amazon UK: *Amazon CA: *Amazon AU: *CreateSpace:

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Created on 2023-04-15 23:59:50