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By Cathi Shaw

Created 1 | Supported 9

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Social Reach


Ended 11/22/2014

"To support #AntiBullying Week, we're challenging you to post positive messages on social media with #cyberlove!"

— Cathi Shaw and
other supporters

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On October 10th we started our first #cyberlove campaign in memory of Amanda Todd, who took her own life after being #cyberbullied. That campaign was so successful we are bringing #cyberlove back for Bullying Awareness Week (November 16-22nd). We challenge everyone to post positive messages on their social media, hashtag those messages with #cyberlove and make the internet a more supportive, friendlier place! CyberLove

Who are you?

The Youth Empowerment Project is a non-profit run by Caitie Shaw & Dan Nixon, two teens from Summerland, BC. Their mandate is to support other youth to take their passions and turn those into campaigns for making the world a better place.

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Created on 2023-11-17 13:37:48