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Dark Prisoner: The Kruthos Key

By Toni Michelle

Created 73 | Supported 638

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Ended 05/17/2017

"In a land left kingless and war on its doorstep, an ancient evil stirs."

— Toni Michelle and
other supporters

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Suna Di’Viao, the last of the Divenean race, blames herself for the death of her king and queen. As retribution for failing to protect them, she has hidden from the world for over thirty years, until a summons she can't refuse rouses her from her seclusion.

Feran Lambert, the youngest General ever appointed to Dunkerk's Guardians, retires his post in disgust. He's tired of representing a kingdom that means little to him. Fate, however, has other plans. His path leads him straight to Suna.

More than duty will bind this pair together.

Belthazar, a demon lord imprisoned for over a thousand years by the Diveneans of old, covets one thing: his freedom. Using his minion, Isafel, and an evil imp spawn called Ilio, they must find an object that will set him free.

With underlords scheming to take the throne and demons roaming freely throughout Etharia, it's a race against time. Who will be the first to find the Kruthos Key.

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Created on 2023-05-11 07:53:07