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Drink Beer, Play Darts T-Shirt

By Christopher Jenkins

Created 14 | Supported 0

13 of 50



Social Reach


Ended 09/04/2023

"Do You Love To Drink and Play Darts? Then this shirt is perfect for you!"

— Christopher Jenkins and
other supporters

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  Do You Love To Drink and Play Darts? Then this shirt is perfect for you!  High quality printing and super soft garments, printed here in the USA! *WORLDWIDE SHIPPING* INSTRUCTIONS :

This social media campaign helps me get my message shared on your Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr accounts. It’s free to support and all you have to do is click one of the blue social media buttons to add your support. After you click one of the blue social media buttons, click “Add Support” on the window that pops up. Follow the steps until the blue social media button you clicked turns green. The message get sent to your social media account only 1 time. There is no recurring message. To see what your supporting, just click the link above. Thank you so much for your support!


No Campaign Updates. Check Back Sometime Soon.

Created on 2023-08-03 13:40:55