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Evocative Clothing

By Andrew Kelly

Created 1 | Supported 7

17 of 500



Social Reach


Ended 02/20/2016

"A Unique, Stylish and Rememberable clothing brand that requires funding to kickstart!"

— Andrew Kelly and
other supporters

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KickstarterHi Guys & Girls. 

I have been working on a project for about 6 months now and have decided to launch it on to Kickstarter to get some backing, feedback, and funding as well as mainly getting some exposure. Hopefully some people who share the same enthusiasm as me, let me know that I'm on to something!

There is currently an array of unique, independent, stylish, stand out clothing labels on the market that have been blowing up in terms of their popularity over the past few years (Especially with the help of instagram and celebrities) these labels I wear myself and I always support new up and coming fashion brands. 

My Idea is similar, but I look to make my own range of clothing with the intention of creating a bold first collection, networking the brand, promoting it via social media channels, using my connections at university (Which is great that I have such a young market, basically my target market within the palm of my hand) to promote the product and ultimately reinvesting all profits back in to new collections. 

I am hoping that you guys can get on board, share this project, post it via social media, get this to anyone who has an interest in fashion or maybe works in the industry, provide feedback and help me achieve my dream. If I was to have it my way, this would be a full time job as apposed to a small side business so my plan is to go big. 

I require the funding to get an initial array of designs created and shipped to myself so I hold some stock, once this has been done, I can focus on getting the brand out in the open and creating the buzz it needs before selling any items.

Any feedback is appreciated, I know there is not much to go on, but I have designs in the pipeline and these will be posted when available.

Kickstarter Link:
Twitter: @EvocativeUK

Website: - Currently under maintenance and half way built.

I appreciate any money/love that comes my way, and criticism is also welcome.

If anyone wants to offer advice or get involved feel free to get in touch. 

Andy x

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Created on 2023-01-21 17:59:22