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For the first Campaign. Arizon

By kenny Williams

Created 1 | Supported 1

11 of 500



Social Reach


Ended 12/26/2015

"I need a lot of help"

— kenny Williams and
other supporters

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I made a Campaign that I needed help to get off the ground as affiliate marketer here in Arizona, my first goal was to get my own place out here, then start on my goals as a affiliate marketer. I moved out here to phoenix Arizona in july 3rd 2013 to 8818 southcentral phoenix Az 85031. My first task for change was to go back to a caluary atrs school at le acord on blu. I applied to the school for a interview in scottsdale got accepited to apply as a student. Then I came accross a problem with my financhel aid I have a dalinkwincy from 2009 at pearice collage of $544.34,so I begain to look for ways to make money online, this is how I became a affiliat marketer. Well my first campain I don't think done so well, my account is no where to be found and nothing has came to the adress at this shealter called Cass at 232 south 12th ave phoenix az 85007.So now this adress will be where I am moving to back to 217 east 18th street San Bernardino CA 92404. It seems like some people want to demorlize me and take from me or stop anything from me upgrading me in life, If anyone has supported my last campaing I think you very much, but I have not recived any support you all have gave so please see where your support have gone a.s.a.p! And then reconceder re supporting to the address above. I will add a few things that can help me by singing up on afew refuarl link thant I involved in any kinda support will help me reach some of my goals as a affiliate marketer and for my dalinkcy with finnachel aid. 602-551-9649 if have questions for me

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Created on 2022-12-12 11:30:46