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By Linda Todd

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Ended 01/29/2016


— Linda Todd and
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I have written a lot of articles over the past few years about encouragement, motivation, being, living, doing, hoping and praying for something good. Myself included in the bunch to motivate.  Yesterday being one of those days, I pull up word, started typing and this article is what came of it.  Talking to myself, you and anyone who is lacking the courage to start over, begin, press forward, and believe in themselves.  We all have it in us, reach for it, look within and B E L I E V E.  JUST DO IT!

If you need a place to start something, anything, start where you are right now, this minute. Just do it!

Start what, may be your question and the answer is one only you can give. Just do it!

A hint might be what you have wanted or dreamed about all of your life. However, you have put it off for one reason or the other, made excuses and then grumbled that your desires have never come true.

If you need encouragement from someone, anyone, I am giving you the encouragement right now. You can do it, you can be it, and you can apply your knowledge to make it happen. Just do it!

If you are having doubts, close your eyes and simply say, I can do this and I will, let me focus on exactly what I need to do. Just do it!

If you want to make your dreams come true, and have read every book that has told you exactly how to do it, and still are asking questions, stop. Just do it!

If you cannot seem to find the ultimate power to press forward and want to be more assured, realize that you will never feel complete until you do it. Just do it!

If you are seeking approval from someone else, you will usually not get it from your friends, family, or foes. It will often be a stranger who has found your hard work to be astonishing. Approve of yourself. Just do it!

Other people can tell you how to do most anything you may want to do. They can either tell you how they or someone else did it, but not how you can do it. You must just do it!

If you desire something from another individual, step back and determine if they have what you need to give. It may not be there and if it is not you are wasting your precious time. Move on! Just do it!

If you need to forgive someone, anyone, and this is your first step toward freedom. Does not matter who was right or wrong, who was in charge, or who needs to forgive even. It is only hurting you at this point and the power will not rise in you until you do it. Forgiveness is essential to letting go and moving on. Just do it!

If you think that everyone should like you, forget it. Not everybody is going to like you or be your best friend or even acquaintance. It is their problem not yours. Realize this now; do not let this take you down with disappointment. Just do it!

Read this entire page of 'Do it's' HERE and please JUST DO IT!

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Created on 2023-01-08 15:30:40