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We’re happy to announce Newswire has acquired HeadTalker!

From the beginning of HeadTalker, we have always placed the comments and happiness of our community first and we believe with this acquisition, we’ll continue to build out our vision for social media virality for brand campaigns as well as improving the opportunities to our user base.

Newswire and HeadTalker are committed to create new and better ways to take a social media message viral.

For now, HeadTalker with continue to function as it does today. Your Headtalker account and campaigns will continue as normal and we’ll be providing more details on upcoming plans for Headtalker in the coming weeks.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Team HeadTalker and Newswire

Magic Bound Release

By G.K. DeRosa

Created 1 | Supported 53

53 of 50



Social Reach


Ended 04/30/2017

"Magic Bound is live & only #99c! Stay up way past your bedtime tonight :) #amreading #urbanfantasy #pnr #ya"

— G.K. DeRosa and
other supporters

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Magic Bound, the first book in my new series, The Hybrid Trilogy is out on April 30th! You are absolutely going to love Aria. She's fun, feisty and sarcastic - a kickass heroine. Dying isn’t the worst thing that could happen at seventeen, right? Growing up on the streets of New York City, I imagined my death probably about a thousand times. Getting hit by a stray bullet, ticking off an angry drunk, or even stepping off the sidewalk too quickly and getting run over by a yellow cab. But this… this was something I would never have imagined, not in a million years. I’m Aria Negrescu, and my name is pretty much the only thing in my life that turned out to be true. I was the poor little orphan girl who grew up bouncing around from foster home to foster home, each worse than the one before. But all of that changed one night when I met him. Now an unstoppable hunter wants to kill me, and if I’m going to survive I have to discover who I really am. And that means trusting a mysterious stranger I know nothing about. A whole supernatural world exists right under my nose, and I’m about to become a part of it. Whether I like it or not.   Thanks so much for your support!

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Created on 2023-04-15 18:53:16