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Mistakes & Love

By Linda Todd

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Ended 03/11/2023

"Stop Making the Same Mistakes and Learn to Love Yourself"

— Linda Todd and
other supporters

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This is a strong statement, but a fact in life if you want to have settled peace and joy in your life. If you do not love yourself, you cannot expect anyone else to. If you are having issues learning to love yourself, get them out in the open and deal with them. If you keep having, and making the same issues i.e. mistakes, your dislike of yourself will cause other issues within your life. Stop making the same mistakes and learn to love yourself. Only you can stop the unwanted behaviors.

Your first thoughts may be yea; sure, this is easier said than done. Agreed, it is sometimes easy to say and harder to do. Habits are hard to break, often our vows are hard to keep, and sometimes our life is broken because of these things.

Confessing, and owning the facts are a key aspect of change. More than likely, the issues you are experiencing will not be anything that is new. Someone, somewhere has not dealt with the same previously, and overcome.

Having some thoughts of regret is part of our human life. However, one must get past the regrets and know that you have to love yourself.

Here, I hope you find some ways to get past whatever it is that is making you doubt, disapprove or not love you. Some pointers that I have learned along the way:

No one is perfect:

Do not beat yourself up. We are all the same carnal nature and that is we will sin. We will sin, do things, which are stupid, be unwise, and make mistakes until we are in tune with our spiritual self and let God come into our hearts. This is what most people have to learn with time. I doubt there is one human who has not been stupid, unwise, and careless at some point. However, these attributes to a questionable life will change with acknowledgement that one needs to change. You must want to change, see the need to change, and find a structured plan to change. No one is perfect, but we strive to be better, when we seek our spiritual being.

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Created on 2023-02-10 13:53:11