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By Jacquie Biggar

Created 1 | Supported 130

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Ended 12/08/2023

"Help me spread the word about my new release, Tidal Falls, a romantic suspense novel about second chances."

— Jacquie Biggar and
other supporters

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Tidal Falls,

Sara Reed is on the run from an abusive ex with ties to organized crime. Mistakenly thinking her and her daughter would be safer if she had some kind of leverage, she takes a copy of some valuable files. Files that make her a target.


Nick Kelley is an ex-marine trying to find his place now that his career is over due to injuries suffered from an IED. When the two of them meet in the pretty little town of Tidal Falls, the experience is explosive.

Who are you?

From the time Jacquie was twelve years old, she knew she wanted one day to be a writer. That year she wrote a short story called Count Daffodil after spending countless hours searching for ideas for her English Assignment. The story garnered her an A++ and was read aloud through the school's loudspeaker system. Needless to say, after that she was hooked. She grew up, got married, raised a family and left her writing urges to simmer in the background unattended. Jacquie owned and operated a successful diner in her hometown for a number of wonderful years. And now she's ready to take up the writing reins and see how far she can travel. She expects it to be an exciting, new journey and would be honored to have your company along the way.

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Created on 2023-10-09 13:36:53