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We’re happy to announce Newswire has acquired HeadTalker!

From the beginning of HeadTalker, we have always placed the comments and happiness of our community first and we believe with this acquisition, we’ll continue to build out our vision for social media virality for brand campaigns as well as improving the opportunities to our user base.

Newswire and HeadTalker are committed to create new and better ways to take a social media message viral.

For now, HeadTalker with continue to function as it does today. Your Headtalker account and campaigns will continue as normal and we’ll be providing more details on upcoming plans for Headtalker in the coming weeks.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Team HeadTalker and Newswire

Please help save our home

By Kimberly Saunders

Created 1 | Supported 10

31 of 25



Social Reach


Ended 11/02/2023

"Disabled, Housebound and struggling to keep from being evicted from our family home in 12 days"

— Kimberly Saunders and
other supporters

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My name is Kim and I am Disabled, Housebound and in desperate need of help. I require carers to assist me every day with personal and domestic care. I receive assistance arranged through the Council though I have to rely on care from my husband and children. Our home is being repossessed in 12 days and I just don’t know where else to turn. I have never asked for help before and I feel so ashamed and embarrassed but this is our last resort. This situation is incredibly humbling and humiliating. I had an accident at work 6 years ago while working as a Home Carer when an elderly lady I visited in the evenings to help her wash, change and get her ready for bed stumbled as we were coming out of the bathroom, accidently, knocked me down the stairs. I was in a lot of pain but carried on my rounds as I did not want to let my other elderly clients. After a few days I visited my doctor as I was still in great pain. My doctor told me he thought it was just a pulled muscle. This went on for a number of months until I was, actually, unable to walk as the pain got so bad. In short, after 8 months I was diagnosed with a fracture at the base of my spine, 2 perforated discs and, as it had been undiagnosed for so long, had caused permanent nerve damage. After a number of spinal operations, I have been left permanently Disabled, housebound and unable to work. This has devastated our lives. My husband had to give up work to care for me and this left us really struggling financially. Now the children are a bit older and can help care for me, my husband has started a job and is working so hard to try and get things straight but it seems like there is no light at the end of this tunnel. We did not choose to be in this situation by any means and we are really frightened and everything feels so hopeless. My mental health has deteriorated greatly and I have been diagnosed with severe depression. I have, now, been prescribed medication for the depression along with all the medication, including daily Morphine, I have to take for the debilitating pain I am in. I understand that people may be sceptical but I will upload, as soon as possible, all the documents I can to show that our devastating situation is real and so very frightening. I would be eternally thankful for any donations (no matter how small) you may be able to offer to help save us my family (and our rescue cats) from imminently losing our home. On that note, thank you so much for taking time to read this and I would be so grateful if you could share with your friends and families. Have a lovely day. Kim xxxx

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Created on 2023-11-02 07:53:14