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We’re happy to announce Newswire has acquired HeadTalker!

From the beginning of HeadTalker, we have always placed the comments and happiness of our community first and we believe with this acquisition, we’ll continue to build out our vision for social media virality for brand campaigns as well as improving the opportunities to our user base.

Newswire and HeadTalker are committed to create new and better ways to take a social media message viral.

For now, HeadTalker with continue to function as it does today. Your Headtalker account and campaigns will continue as normal and we’ll be providing more details on upcoming plans for Headtalker in the coming weeks.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Team HeadTalker and Newswire

Support pet shelters

By Augustė Sen

Created 1 | Supported 0

18 of 500



Social Reach


Ended 09/09/2023

"Please help us to help abandoned pets! Let's make World Animal Day special! More than grateful for Your support!"

— Augustė Sen and
other supporters

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Hello everyone! Me and my beloved wife Augustė are just married couple connected by love to animals and each other. Most part of our lives we were taking care of disadvantaged animals and when we met this willing to help became even stronger. By coming World Animal Day, which is on October 4th, together we decided to do something special and big to make homeless pets life more comfortable.


I‘m freelance graphic designer, currently studying the art of photography in the capital of Lithuania, Vilnius. My wife Augustė is graduate of veterinary science with a master's degree and intends to continue her education. Currently we own a dog and two cats who were homeless before, also took away 5 rats from snake feeders and so far we are one big happy family. We would love to own more homeless pets and save their lives, but our possibilities are limited at the moment. We have a dream of the future to set up our own animal shelter, but we don’t have that much of experience and resources so we attend other shelters, helping homeless animals and collecting valuable information by gathering experience for our future project. Sad news are that private shelters are not supported by our Government and survive only because there are good people like you and we who donate and care about animal welfare. Unfortunately these donations are not always enough and our practice shows that animals are missing various things like high quality feed, leashes, bowls, beds, vaccines, anthelmintics, toys and this list can continue... There are plenty such untreated animals that live in shelters and we believe that we could help at least part of them with your support.


For the upcoming World Animal Day, we would love to mention it by doing 7 days road trip through pet shelters around the Country and supply poor pets with the most needed materials, feed them and spend some time together.


Although we have enough enthusiasm and time to reach our goal, but we don‘t have enough money. So we are here, because we believe, that together with you, good willing people, we can make it real. So please help us to help those abandoned pets to have comfortable and respectable life conditions. We will be more than grateful for your shares and donates and we promise – when we reach our goal we will make a video of our 7 days road trip.


Everyone who will donate will be treated with rewards to make World Animal Day even more special!

  • 5€ pledge – Your name in the Road Trip video's Credits
  • 10€ pledge – Limited edition postcard with one of our rescued pet and WORLD ANIMAL DAY logo with quote: I CARE ABOUT ANIMALS! + Credits
  • 30€ pledge – Limited edition 5 postcards collection with all our rescued pets and WORLD ANIMAL DAY logo with quote: I CARE ABOUT ANIMALS! + Credits
  • 60€ pledge – Limited edition T-shirt with WORLD ANIMAL DAY logo with quote: I CARE ABOUT ANIMALS! + Limited edition postcard + Credits
  • 120€ pledge – Limited edition hoodie with WORLD ANIMAL DAY logo with quote: I CARE ABOUT ANIMALS! + Limited edition postcard + Credits
  • 200€ pledge – Limited edition all in one set (Hoodie + T-shirt + 5 postcards collection with WORLD ANIMAL DAY logo and quotes + Credits

That's all for now, I will keep you updated and add photos of rewards soon, thank you again for sharing this story on your social media and thanks to all donors for giving us such opportunity to take part in animal welfare.


“Animals are more than ever a test of our character, of mankind’s capacity for empathy and for decent, honorable conduct and faithful stewardship. We are called to treat them with kindness, not because they have rights or power or some claim to equality, but in a sense because they don’t; because they all stand unequal and powerless before us.” ― Matthew Scully

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Created on 2023-07-12 11:04:19