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We’re happy to announce Newswire has acquired HeadTalker!

From the beginning of HeadTalker, we have always placed the comments and happiness of our community first and we believe with this acquisition, we’ll continue to build out our vision for social media virality for brand campaigns as well as improving the opportunities to our user base.

Newswire and HeadTalker are committed to create new and better ways to take a social media message viral.

For now, HeadTalker with continue to function as it does today. Your Headtalker account and campaigns will continue as normal and we’ll be providing more details on upcoming plans for Headtalker in the coming weeks.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Team HeadTalker and Newswire

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Divorce Your Cable & Satellite

By Darin Miller

Created 1 | Supported 2

188 of 100



Social Reach


Ended 05/16/2015

"3 of the 5 Most Hated Companies are #Cable Companies! Get Rid of Them Forever for Just $1! #DivorceCable #TakeBackTV"

— Darin Miller and
other supporters

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It's True! Cable & Satellite Are Stopping the Public From Hearing About Nuclius!

Our Cable and Satellite competition have been prohibiting media outlets from talking about Nuclius. Despite us being all over the Internet and even featured on various major News sites, they won't let our revolutionary product and service get any spotlight for major publicity. They're even going so far as to threaten to pull their advertising from these outlets if they do so as a "conflict of interest". And this is a very big deal as major Tech media companies and News sources receive millions in advertising dollars from them that would be very painful to lose. It's even worse for small Tech Blogs because they would actually go under without their ad revenue. We've independently confirmed our hunches through a couple of non-US sources that are a major part of working to get the word out about our final Crowdfunding Campaign domestically and abroad. Our Partners were stumped as they expected US Media to be extremely excited to hear about a product and service like Nuclius and would jump all over it. And they are excited, they just can't talk about it. Our sources were blown away with their findings on the extent US media Conglomerates will go to stop the public from ever knowing that with Nuclius, they finally can Divorce Cable for good.

The Power of the People Will Succeed!

BUT, they can't stop us from working together via Social Networking to spread the word and blast through their roadblocks. The People Possess the True Power! That's why Crowdfunding is such a powerful and priceless tool. It allows people to get together and get things done without the need to rely on the heavily biased and monopoly controlled Media infrastructure. If our competition had their way, people would never know about anything other than what they want you to know about. Wall Street-based products and services. Nevertheless our pursuit to get the word out about Nuclius is relentless. Whatever is required.

Conducting a successful Crowdfunding Campaign is a complex series of processes working in perfect harmony to get the job done. Thanks to your Financial and Social Sharing support, we've assembled a team of experts, an arsenal of tools and the resources we need to finish what we've started. We now have the resources on board to raise a substantial amount of money and assure Nuclius will be known by all! And OUR SUCCESS IS INEVITABLE!

Pre-Orders Get 1 Full Year of FREE TV!

Our final IndieGoGo Campaign has been revamped and is launching on 7/25/15! And due to your Pre-Order Support, Contributions and patience, we are upgrading every Nuclius Pre-Order to 12 Free Months of Celestial instead of 6! That's right. A full Year of FREE Premium TV just for helping us get things done. Please Note: the year of Free TV upgrade only applies to the people who have Pre-Ordered Nuclius from our two previous test Campaigns. We also expect all Ursa devices from the two previous and final Campaign to still be delivered this fall, but will be pushed back slightly about thirty (30) days. You can expect to Divorce Cable and have you Ursa(s) in your home in November. All Nuclius updates will be provided on the final IndieGoGo Campaign and updated here so be sure to Bookmark or even Contribute on the Final Campaign.


Getting Nuclius In Homes No Matter What!

We have a very modest All or Nothing goal set that should be easily surpassed with the preparation that has been done since the last campaign's conclusion. The $77K we're after will satisfy the percentage we need down to go to full scale manufacturing of all Nuclius Ursa devices. The remaining balance has already been approved for financing. Our Downlink Facility has already been acquired through a private deal and is being integrated into our platform right now. More info regarding this phenomenal accomplishment will be provided in a Campaign Update. We very much desire to raise all of the capital we need from this last IGG effort to keep our interests among our current shareholders, However, if this proves to not be possible, we will execute the investment deal we have on hold right now with a private investor to make sure our plans for the Nuclius TV Takeover proceed without delay. Again, we consider this a last resort. Either way, Nuclius will roll out to the field and begin the process of taking over the Live TV industry as promised. So get ready for the new Campaign and be sure to help us get the word out to every Cable and Satellite consumer in the USA!

This is the Era of Nuclius TV and our Official Campaign is now officially underway! Woo Hoo! Now let's get this done!

No Campaign Updates. Check Back Sometime Soon.

Created on 2023-04-27 09:36:10