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We’re happy to announce Newswire has acquired HeadTalker!

From the beginning of HeadTalker, we have always placed the comments and happiness of our community first and we believe with this acquisition, we’ll continue to build out our vision for social media virality for brand campaigns as well as improving the opportunities to our user base.

Newswire and HeadTalker are committed to create new and better ways to take a social media message viral.

For now, HeadTalker with continue to function as it does today. Your Headtalker account and campaigns will continue as normal and we’ll be providing more details on upcoming plans for Headtalker in the coming weeks.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Team HeadTalker and Newswire

The Cup Cozy Pillow

By beNICEmedia

Created 94 | Supported 2166

27 of 25



Social Reach


Ended 07/29/2016

"The Cup Cozy Pillow-Your Drink Saving Hero! Over 75% Funded Thank You! #KickStarter #NewProduct"

— beNICEmedia and
other supporters

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The Cup Cozy Pillow (3 holes) and Cup Cozy Deluxe Pillow (5 holes) are the world's best cup holding pillow. Now you can keep your drinks close to you without the fear of spills. The patent pending design allows almost any size cup to fit safe and snug including coffee mugs and beer steins. You can also keep remote controls, reading glasses, gaming controllers and snacks in the Cup Cozy Pillow. On it's side or upside down your cups will stay in place!

Do You Need a Cup Cozy Pillow?

Of course you do!  Who hasn't experienced the aggravation of trying to get that nasty stain out of the couch, the floor, or your clothes? Especially those of you with children or pets. You know they possess that uncanny ability to seek and destroy!

Photo by: is licensed under CC BY 2.0

You know what it's like dealing with the aftermath of a spill. And what about you coffee lovers? Your hands are constantly tied up until your coffee is gone because there simply is no good place to put your coffee mug.  The Cup Cozy Pillow can help you! Mornings are better with free hands and safe coffee!

Product Design and Features

A lot of thought and development was put into what can be viewed as such a "simple" product. We have thought of all those tiny details to provide you with the world's BEST cup holding pillow.
Use it on the couch, the floor, in your bed, and more. It's super lightweight and made to go anywhere you do. Take it with you in the car, to t-ball games, on picnics, or to the beach. When it's not being used to hold drinks, it can be flipped over to be used as a traditional pillow or cushion.
Use your Cup Cozy Pillow at home and on the go!
The Cup Cozy Pillow is made out of the same type of foam as many coolers. It's naturally insulating so your drinks stay cold or hot longer.
Colder drinks just taste better.

Fabric Choices

Both the Cup Cozy Pillow and the Cup Cozy Deluxe Pillow are offered in 7 different fabric prints. These super soft velboa covers are removable, washable and won't shrink, fade or fuzz with regular use and care.

What Will the Funds Be Used For?

We will be using the funds for three primary purposes: Packaging design, label registration government fees, and to place the first large production run with our manufacturer.

 Project Timeline

We have estimated a conservative shipment time of December 2016 to our backers. We would rather under promise and over deliver. As a backer you will always be kept up to date with the exciting progress of the project.
Project Timeline at a Glance
Thank you all for reading and supporting us!

Risks and challenges

We have put a lot of work and effort upfront to minimize any potential risk to our backers. We spent the last six months fine tuning every aspect of this project so that all we had to do was send the exact files, patterns and manufacturing specifications to the manufacturer. With the exact specifications we will not have to waste time sending samples back and forth to be refined. It has already been perfected. Additionally, our manufacturer has a local office in New York that will ensure the customs/duties process goes smoothly. Having a domestic office also helps mitigate any potential errors due to a language barrier. All of these steps have been taken to ensure a smooth, fast, production process. The product will be shipped from the manufacturer complete and ready to ship to you!


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Created on 2023-07-25 14:29:40