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We’re happy to announce Newswire has acquired HeadTalker!

From the beginning of HeadTalker, we have always placed the comments and happiness of our community first and we believe with this acquisition, we’ll continue to build out our vision for social media virality for brand campaigns as well as improving the opportunities to our user base.

Newswire and HeadTalker are committed to create new and better ways to take a social media message viral.

For now, HeadTalker with continue to function as it does today. Your Headtalker account and campaigns will continue as normal and we’ll be providing more details on upcoming plans for Headtalker in the coming weeks.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Team HeadTalker and Newswire

The Four Switches Kickstarter

By Todd Sivers

Created 1 | Supported 3

36 of 25



Social Reach


Ended 11/23/2016

"Check out YOUR Four Switches & HOW to control them - Great deal on Kickstarter NOW!"

— Todd Sivers and
other supporters

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Want more influence? Greater capability? Higher income?

Stop waiting for something great to happen to you, and make something great happen for you. And as you do, you'll be making great things happen for other people too.   Hi, I'm Todd Sivers. I'm a lifelong entrepreneur, and I developed the Four Switches System over a decade of intense study and experimentation with clients from all sorts of backgrounds.   Since then, I and my team have taught the system to thousands of people worldwide.     And, now, I want to bring this powerful program to a much, much larger audience.   

We NEED to: 

  1. Re-record the program to streamline and clarify some portions while shortening the length of our videos (Some of which currently exceed 25 minutes in length.)    2. Improve our graphics and handouts.     3. Repackage the program for greater clarity and ease of use, and...   4. Make it accessible to many more people.   We've already started the re-recording. And we've selected a hosting partner with bulletproof reliability.  Kickstarter seems like a perfect place to start broadening our audience.   

Because, we WANT to:

  1. Show you how to live with power, without becoming full of yourself. I'll show you how to recognize and adjust the four switches behind all your behavior to make yourself far more powerful, capable, and influential.   2. Show you the Four Switches behind everything you think, everything you feel, everything you say and everything you do. They control you every minute of every day. And you can take full control of them. The truly amazing thing about understanding and controlling your own switches is that by doing so, you completely change your own sense of self-worth. But even more valuable than that, you immediately experience an entirely new perspective on yourself and everyone else. You'll begin to see and understand why people do what they do, and what they need to understand to break free from limiting thoughts and behaviors. You'll also see where your own limitations have led you to the wrong conclusions about other people, and how you can appreciate and encourage the greatness in everyone and anyone.   3. Help you influence and motivate people in a way that they'll automatically appreciate. And they'll appreciate you because of it.  I'll give you deep insight into any behavior or relationship, in any situation. You'll be able to provide real, practical solutions to really painful problems in the moment, every time. Even if you've never done anything like this before, you can. You can't afford another year, or even another month without these skills. The world is waiting on your influence. They need your experience. They need your concern. They need your love.   4. Show you how to engage your own potential in unique ways that only you are capable of - so that you can make this world a better place for us all to live.  Once you control your switches, you can make your life, leadership, and legacy exponential. And that's exactly what I'll show you how to do through the Four Switches Experience.  

What, exactly, do you get when you back this project? 

  You'll get access to the Four Switches System, a web-hosted, video-based program that will guide you to 'reprogram' your thinking to experience:   1. Incredible awareness – Restructure your thinking for maximum intuition and efficiency, and learn what works and what doesn't in business and life.   2. Incredible relationships – Opportunities always come through relationships, and quality relationships are among the greatest pleasures in life. Develop skills to make the most of every encounter - every relationship, especially online. Internet marketers have been selling people the anonymous millionaire myth for over a decade. Nobody has ever created a product or service and put it online to become a millionaire overnight. A few people have sold millions of dollars worth of products and services in very short periods of time, but every one of them spent months, and often years of hard work leading up to those paydays. You won't get wealthy online or anywhere anonymously. You need lots of relationships. You need the right kinds of relationships. And you need to understand how to keep and grow those relationships. We'll show you exactly how to do that consistently and repeatedly.    3. Incredible influence – Create mutual gain everywhere, with everyone. This can only happen after relationships are started. You cannot influence until you connect. This is the biggest mistake in business today. Millions of dollars are wasted daily in failed attempts to sell people stuff they know nothing about, by people they've never heard of. But your Four Switches System will give you the Incredible Advantage of knowing exactly what to do to build warm relationships - and those relationships will bring you everything else you want.   4. Incredible motivation – Success is created by those who try, fail, learn, and try again. So try again. And again. And again. People who succeed are rarely lucky, but frequently tenacious. The challenge is in knowing when to keep going, and when to change direction. Having a supportive, committed community of fellow hard workers is tremendously helpful. Some have already tried and learned what you're trying now. Their insight will save you tons of time, effort, and money. Others are about to try what you already know all about. A quick conversation with you will help them immeasurably. We create a warm, welcoming environment for these powerful relationships.   You can learn more on our Kickstarter page.

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Created on 2023-11-16 11:53:19