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We’re happy to announce Newswire has acquired HeadTalker!

From the beginning of HeadTalker, we have always placed the comments and happiness of our community first and we believe with this acquisition, we’ll continue to build out our vision for social media virality for brand campaigns as well as improving the opportunities to our user base.

Newswire and HeadTalker are committed to create new and better ways to take a social media message viral.

For now, HeadTalker with continue to function as it does today. Your Headtalker account and campaigns will continue as normal and we’ll be providing more details on upcoming plans for Headtalker in the coming weeks.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Team HeadTalker and Newswire

TrueMeet App

By TrueMeet

Created 1 | Supported 1

144 of 140



Social Reach


Ended 03/20/2016

"Revolutionary mobile app : meet people around based on your mood/activity ! Pledge 1$ = rewards & VIP access! #app"

— TrueMeet and
other supporters

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This summer, get ready : TrueMeet is coming...

TrueMeet, your new app to enhance your real life by making activities and discover new friends by geolocation and in real-time
[caption id="attachment_52605" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Your plane is late ? You arrive in a new town ?        Use TrueMeet to find people around you in the      same mood ! Real time only : it is the concept.[/caption]

Why TrueMeet is unique ...? It's a mobile app to meet in real time only and it has revolutionary features :

  • A new way to meet people : TrueMeet locates people around you who want to do the same activity as you...Your plane is late ? You arrive in a new town ? You want to play pool or have a drink but no friend is available ? You decide to organize hockey or basket-ball game ? Then TrueMeet is here for you !
  • Only online people : TrueMeet is to facilitate encounters and social activities. So TrueMeet won't display offline people !
  • Easy to install : Installation and profile creation takes 1 minute.
  • Simple profile : Your mood and activity is what matters !
  • Choice is yours : Accept or decline activity request live !
  • 200+ activities/moods available in 9 categories : Sports, Arts & Culture, Games, Social, Fun, Crazy, Night, Local (it changes depending on location/town/country) and Special (for promotionnal events)
  • Automatic activity & moods detection in some places (bars, sports club etc...) : when you enter a place, if someone inside is in the same mood / activity wish as you, TrueMeet will let you know and show you the profile.
  • Groups activities : After an activity request is accepted, propose more people to join you !
  • Logon screen "What's up around you ?" : New TrueMeeter around you, activity most used around you and special events.
  • Friend only mode : Only your friends can know what is your actual activity wish and mood
And so much more ... ;) [caption id="attachment_52606" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Match your meetups to your moods ! || Mood :               "Beach-volley", "Sports", "Sunset"[/caption]

Very unique feature #1 : "TrueMeet points"

We implanted a unique ranking system in the app. We want to keep some "mystery" around here are some "leaks" ;) Earn points by doing specific actions :
  • Adding friends
  • Doing activities
  • Rating user
  • etc...
By earning more points, you will progress and  reach new ranks ( newbie, casual, addict, master, ambassador, hero). Then, depending of the rank you will discover new features :
  • New pack of activities & moods : "Crazy", "New", "Events" etc...
  • The ability for you to create your own mood/activity
  • Some ranks will unlock profile optimization possibilities
  • More sorting options to filter results
  • etc...
[caption id="attachment_52671" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Match your meetups to your moods ! || Mood                   "camping", "nature" or "fishing" ?[/caption]

The "origin" of TrueMeet ? 

(Founder speech & my personal experience - Nicolas L. ) Looking around at today’s society and at people in general over the past few years, there was always something I didn’t understand. At the very moment when man has never had as many ways to communicate, he has also never been as “isolated” in all his life…Quite a paradox, right? To me, technology should be a tool that serves the individual, not an end in itself. Unfortunately, today a large (too large) part of the population is satisfied with virtual and ephemeral exchanges. Building upon this observation, I started to imagine a tool that could bring back the taste for what is real, one that could promote exchanges and facilitate encounters with others. I am not talking about romantic encounters. Just the possibility of sharing an activity or a moment with someone else, based on a mood or what someone feels like doing. So, I threw myself into this project headfirst and began work on a concept for a mobile application: TrueMeet. The goal was clear: to put forward a tool for meeting friends that was simple, fast, universal, and above all oriented towards the concrete and real. Quickly joined by my childhood friends, the project continued moving forward and today TrueMeet is ready. If you too agree to this point of view, please, help me & my team to propose a new way to promote real and true human interactions through technology... Regards, Nicolas L - CEO & Founder of TrueMeet Corporation Inc. [caption id="attachment_52670" align="aligncenter" width="400"] Step 1 : Choose your mood[/caption]   [caption id="attachment_52669" align="aligncenter" width="400"] Step 2 : Let TrueMeet find online people in the same mood[/caption]   [caption id="attachment_52668" align="aligncenter" width="400"] Step 3 : Send or receive live activity requests, set up a meeting,                          enjoy real connection and make new friends[/caption]

Choose your mood among 9 categories of activities :

    • Sports,
    • Arts & Culture
    • Games
    • Social
    • Fun
    • Crazy
    • Night
    • Local (it changes depending on location)
    • Special (for special events in your area)

How to use it to meet new people ?

1/ Choose an activity among those suggested in real-time 2/ Look at the results lists or map to find someone in your surroundings that is in the same mood as you 3/Send a request "share activity" to people you would like to be your "activity partner" 3/ Upon acceptance of the request, meet the other through the activity 4/ Indicate satisfaction of the meeting by a referral system. Ask the person to become a friend on TrueMeet. 5/ Solicit your various communities of friends along with your moods   Support us on Kickstarter : Pledge from 1$ ! Vip access & rewards available ! Thanks to all community !

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Created on 2023-03-08 16:27:59