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Wordcarpenter Books

By Wordcarpenter Books

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Ended 03/31/2016

"Wordcarpenter Books is a non-profit book center that offers all readers free books who have an Internet connection."

— Wordcarpenter Books and
other supporters

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Wordcarpenter Books is a non-profit book center that offers all readers free books who have an Internet connection. Our goal is to reach the new Internet generation to inspire them with original coming-to-age adventure fiction novels, biographies and non-fiction adventure.

We know the Wordcarpenter model works because online readership has increased from an average of about 2 page views per visitor (2014) up to an average of 27 page views per visitor (December 2015) with the average traffic of roughly 6000 new visitors per month. Also, with over 75,000 page views we can see many are return visitors. We believe that with some targeted, low-cost investment in marketing and a software infrastructure improvement, this enterprise is poised to reach millions of readers. As a Canadian-based enterprise, Wordcarpenter Books encourages new authors who want to be published. As an information center with links of interest and other content of value, it is our desire that the Wordcarpenter website becomes a new center of communication among keen readers from around the world, particularly the post-Harry Potter young readers. Genres include young adult fiction, coming-to-age, adventure fiction and biographies. Each book is laid out online with two chapters on each webpage. Images and photographs and sketches line the margins to enhance the reading experience. For those who enjoy a fuller experience, the reader can click on the music icon on the page to listen to songs that reflect the tone of the content. Many of the stories are long so the reader is encouraged to bookmark the site and return with more time. But the current layout can be improved significantly with new WordPress software. The site is designed for Sunday morning coffee on the couch. Turn off your TV and experience a new form of storytelling. Let Wordcarpenter up the standard of the online reading experience with better web pages, more images, more artistry to keep the reader coming back. We hope to inspire a whole new generation to greatness and self-actualization. The project is non-profit. Wordcarpenter philosophy promotes readership over commercial gain because the potential positive spin off is greater when the stories are experienced. And it is during the reading experience that the reader is somehow inspired by an adventure or insight, which fosters a new era of international cooperation and hope. Up to this point Wordcarpenter Books has been operated on a shoestring budget but with donations we could move the project forward during 2016. Please consider a contribution. And watch the site evolve. Follow Wordcarpenter on Twitter @Wordcarpenter

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Created on 2023-02-14 11:53:36