“#Learn foreign #languages on @we_speek for free with #fun and find #interesting #people all over the #world



150 of 50

300% of goal supported

social reach



time left


Ended January 11, 2023 12:00 pm Eastern Time (US & Canada)

This campaign will only be successful if it is supported by at least 50 people by January 11, 2023 12:00 pm Eastern Time (US & Canada)



Created 2 | Supported 7

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Amazing Facts
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Insta: DaleAThomson
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The Quote Today
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We-Speek ( is a new, free social networking platform that connects you with fun, interesting people all over the world, with the purpose of exchanging and learning new languages! Communicate with others speaking your native language, or use your connections with native speakers across the globe to spruce up your own language learning!

We-Speek cover

Ours is the first and only educational social network that provides multiple methods of communication, all dedicated to the purpose of learning multiple foreign languages in a fun, engaging, yet supportive environment. Using features such as instant messaging, voice and video chat, and more, we help you build the essential reading, writing, and oral skills necessary to fully learn and communicate within a new language! Make friends around the world, and add to your language skills at the same time!

We-Speek is absolutely FREE for our members to use, with optional paid services that enhance and compliment the experience of our language learners. The beta version of our website has been up and running for a few months now, and we have received incredibly positive reports from our users! They appreciate the ability to communicate with others all over the world, share their cultures and values, and acquire a new language all at the same time, for FREE!

How we-speek works

What You Get:

We don’t want you to walk away empty-handed! By donating to our campaign, you are becoming an active contributor and investor in a game-changing business! In order to thank you for your generous donations, we are offering a series of exciting rewards, based on your donation amount! Donate a little, or a lot, and we’ll make sure you get a little something back as well!

Other Ways You Can Help:

If you can’t make a donation at this time, don’t despair! There are still a few ways that you can help support our campaign and get our project funded in time! Please take a few moments to share our campaign information with your friends and family, via social media, email, and through word of mouth! Let everyone you know about this unique language learning networking platform and help become a part of a revolution in how language learning and social networking is done!

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