
“Join Heneka Watkis-Porter & Damion Crawford in a #Twitter Chat to discus "The Politics of Change" #PatwaChat https://hdtk.co/LoMZa

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Ends March 28, 2023 8:00 pm Eastern Time (US & Canada)

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Heneka Watkis-Porter


Created 3 | Supported 21

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Patwa Culcha International is the go to company to celebrate and commemorate Jamaican Heritage worldwide. We started as a fashion line with Patwa Apparel. Over the years we have ventured into other areas of culture such as food, events, and content development. The company is operated by Branson Official Entrepreneur, Heneka Watkis-Porter.

It probably has become cliche now to hear someone says, “the only constant is change”. But we can never discount the value of such statement however overused it may be. This is true across the spectrum of ideas, ideals and interests and even more so when we apply it to the subject of Politics. This chat is expected to be hot as we have the forward thinking, no-nonsense Damion Crawford as Co-Host to discuss “The Politics of Change”.

Crawford is the former Minister of State in the Ministry of Tourism and Entertainment  in Jamaica. He was awarded both the Master of Science and the Bachelor of Science degrees in Tourism Management by The University of the West Indies in 2005 and 2001 respectively.

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