The Realm Reawakened

“One of the lead developers from my first MMO (now 20 years old) is trying to make a spiritual successor.



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Ended March 17, 2023 12:00 pm Central Time (US & Canada)

This campaign will only be successful if it is supported by at least 100 people by March 17, 2023 12:00 pm Central Time (US & Canada)

Ryan Stieber


Created 1 | Supported 24

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My first MMO, back in 1997 was The Realm Online.  Recently, some 20 years after the game’s inception, one of the original developers (well known to most of us in the game) Stephen Nichols, brought to our attention the intent to create a spiritual successor.  Currently, at the request of many of us, he has a gofundme going to help with initial staff for development.  In my opinion it has not seen nearly the success it should be, and I’ve been seeking methods of remedying that.

This game had a profound impact on many of our lives, and many of us made life long friends here.  I’ve played a dozen different MMO games since and not seen a single one that compares to The Realm in many ways, most profoundly in its tight nit community.  It says a lot when a 20 year old MMO is still breathing…although on life support.  I’d really like to see The Realm Reawakened not only become a reality but receive the development team it deserves.  That said, like everything else, it costs.

I would appreciate any help either in donations or in getting this seen that I can find, thanks.  His main page, along with the forum link is at    … please consider contributing to his gofundme, which is linked near the top of the forum page(link at bottom of main site) .. Thanks


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