Zane’s Wellness Journey

“10-year-old Zane was recently diagnosed with a rare form of Hodgkin Lymphoma. With his loving Family and Friends hi

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18 of 25

72% of goal supported

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time left

27 days

Ends April 15, 2023 12:00 pm Eastern Time (US & Canada)

This campaign will only be successful if it is supported by at least 25 people by April 15, 2023 12:00 pm Eastern Time (US & Canada)



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10-year-old Zane is a wonderful, caring young man. His smile and bright personality are infectious and his family are equally amazing and wonderful. Zane is a proud year 6 student, college sports Captain, keen sportsperson and lives his life, with great enthusiasm and joy. He is a kind and caring friend to many. Zane is well liked and respected by all he comes into contact with.

To allow Zanes family to focus entirely on his journey to fight his recent diagnosis, your generous support will assist with necessary living and household costs. Zanes wonderful Mum, Yolanda has taken extended leave from her full-time employment to be by his side throughout his treatment and recovery.

Your donation will assist with travel costs, loss of wages, mortgage, bills and entertainment costs (such as books, toys, games and activities that will assist Zane and his family’s wellbeing). Please support ‘Zane’s Wellness Journey’ and make a huge difference in his life and the life of his Family. They are all such wonderful people and they do not deserve the challenges they face. We can all help individually in a small way - which together, will help Zane, his Family and his recovery, in such a huge way! Thank you so much x

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